About The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Game Mod – House of Cards 

Here is the readme that will give you a bit more about the gameplay of this mod:

House Of Cards by silver_fox_rival


This mod is for those of you that like to kill to your enemies with elegance and style. I know some times get tired of going through the game questing and not finding the things that you need to finish the quest, or just like to summon and kill. So I made this mod just for that purpose.

Release Date: TBA

Requires: Tribunal, Bloodmoon

Mod Description:


Card Usage

You will be allowed to carry 15 capture cards which will remain blank until you capture a creature, 30 cards that will have various creatures to with all kinds of abilities from healing, card restoration, death spells, and so on.
The capture cards will be treated as like a weapon, but will capture the creatures that it hits. Success on capturing creatures can get a bit tricky depending on the the level of the creature vs. the card’s capture level.

For example, a fire creature that is a level 5 cannot be captured by a level 3 water based capture card. Every creature will have a certain level. All of the creatures will also have an element that will be either stronger or weaker against each other.

Capture cards will be aligned to these following elements:








Neutral creatures will be more challenging to capture. They are not greatly effected by the elements themselves, however, they still can be captured the same way.
For example, a level 5 neutral creature is unaffected by a level 2 Water, Fire, Wood, etc capture card. So in order to capture the creature, you must use a higher level capture card and make sure it is one of the stronger elements of the seven.

Stats For The Player

There will be special power-ups to increase your capture succession rate on each creature that you come across. You will start out with a 20% chance of capturing the following elements:





That means your stats should look like this:
Fire: 5%
Water: 5%
Earth: 5%
Air: 5%
And for the capture cards:
Fire: 5% chance of capture
Water: 5% chance of capture
Earth: 5% chance of capture
Air: 5% chance of capture
Leveling Up
The leveling system in this mod is simple. Choose the Class “Naturalist” which consists of these skills:

Major Skills: Minor:
Marksman Security
Unarmored Sneak
Mercantile Acrobatics
Enchant Athletics
Speechcraft Alteration
Using the capture cards will increase your Marksman skill. Dealing with the creatures (because you will get hit on occasion sometimes) will increase your Unarmored skill. Using the power-up gems in this mod will increase your Enchant skill. Using your persuasion to lower the cost of some of the cards will increase your Mercantile skill and Speechcraft skills. Opening chests that are locked will increase your Security skill. Sneaking up on your enemies to capture them will increase your Sneak skill. Running and jumping in this mod will increase your Athletics and Acrobatics skills. Even sometimes you will need to get to places that are impossible to reach by jumping alone. Casting the Scared Spells†, will increase your Alteration skill.
Character Breakdown
Marksman +15 Alteration +10
Unarmored +5
Mercantile +5
Speechcraft +5


The Lady
Sacred feet of the Basilisk
Water Walking 120 secs
Ancient Wings of Elzain
Levitate 25pts/ 50 secs

Slowfall 25 pts/ 50 secs
Heaven’s Hope
Shield 50pts/ 100 secs
Sacred Legs of the Toad
Jump 25 pts

Slowfall 25pts/ 5 secs
Feather 100 pts/ 120 secs
Mist of Etaque
Frost Shield 50 pts/ 45 secs
Fire Shield 50 pts/ 25 secs
Luminous Spark
Lightning Shield 50 pts/ 15 secs

Personal Item:

(This allows the player to use the Naturalist’s powers)
Power-Up Gems
Power-up gems will increase the Naturalist’s powers. You will find these gems throughout this mod. Each gem will power you up permanently, temporarily, or partially. The gems:
Yellow Gems: Partial power-up
Cyan Gems: Temporary power-up
Purple Gems: Permanent Power Increase
The size of the power-up gem will determine how much you will receive.
The currency of this game will use one of my models. You will pay for the Cards in Jewels. There will be five meshes that will be used to determine the worth of the jewels.
5 Jewels = 1 gold coin in Morrowind
10 jewels = 5 gold coins in Morrowind
15 jewels = 10 gold coins in Morrowind
30 jewels = 25 gold coins in Morrowind
150 jewels = 100 gold coins in Morrowind

Protection Robes
Throughout the realm of Akihiron you will find shops that sell Protection robes for an expensive cost. In order to purchase these robes, you have to collect as many jewels as you can or…
Many of the merchants will ask you for some rare creatures to capture for them. If you can successfully capture them, then you may get the robe for free. Robes for sale:
Robe of the Lion
Resist Fire 50% / 320 secs
Robe of the Bear
Shield 200 pts/ 320 secs
Robe of the Chameleon
Chameleon 100%/ 320 secs
Robe of Starlight’s Mist
Resist Poison 75% / 320 secs

Reflect 100% or 100 pts/ 320 secs

Feather 100 pts/ 320 secs

Resist Frost 75% /320 secs

Resist Shock 75% / 320 secs
Robe of the Transporting
Divine and Almsivi Intervention
Robe of Will’s Might
Fortify Willpower 75 pts/ 320 secs
Robe of Retaliation
Damage Health 15 pts/ 5 secs (Target)

Damage Fatigue 15 pts/ 5 secs (Target)
Robe of Robustness
Fortify Health 1,000 pts
Robe of Power
Capture Succession 30%
Robe of the Outspoken
Fortify Personality 100 pts
Player Card Deck
Here is a list of cards that you will start out with:
(5) Level 1 Fire Cards

(5) Level 1 Air Cards

(9) Level 1 Water Cards

(5) Level 1 Earth Cards
(10) Level 1 Capture Cards
*Note: 4 of the level 1 water cards will be healing creatures and the other will be card regeneration creature cards.
Deck Creation
When creating a deck, you must always have some healing and card regeneration creatures in your deck so that you won’t run out of cards and get yourself killed in battle.
Now take note of the level of healing creature cards and regeneration cards. For example, a level 1 healing creature card can only restore up to 10% of your health, while a level 5 healing creature card can restore 50% or more of your health. The same thing goes for regeneration creature cards. A level 1 regeneration creature card can restore up to 5 of your cards that you have used already (excluding the regeneration creature card itself), while a level 5 regeneration creature card can restore up to 15 of your cards back to your deck (excluding the regeneration creature card itself, unless you have more than one in your deck).
Note: Healing creature and card regeneration creature cards are summon once cards only. There will be a lot of those in this mod.
Tips on Creating or Editing your Deck
1.) Carry more than one regeneration creature cards in your deck.
2.) Make sure that you keep the balance between how many Independent creatures† and One-Time only summons† creature cards in your deck.
3.) In many of your battles you may need to keep the heat off of you, so it will be of good use to keep some decoy cards in your deck.
4.) Always remember which element defeats the other when capturing creatures, so that you make sure that the capture is successful.
5.) When dealing with Neutral creatures, always use the strongest in element that is a few more levels higher than the creature you are trying to capture to increase your succession rate of capturing the creature.
6.) Never waste blank capture cards. As these are rare cards to come across, and are scattered all over Akihiron.
As you play through this mod you’ll get more adept at many situations that come your way.

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