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One of the cutest flowers of Mycoria, The Mushroom Gardens: Nettlewisp

I just had to post this because I did a total makeover of the Nettlewisp flower. I know when I originally posted about it, it looked different. My reasons for changing the cute little bugger was that my original design for it was to have a dandelion type fluff on the top of it surrounding its stamen.

I kind of rushed myself a bit on the design and didn’t complete it because I had no idea on how to get the fluff I had drawn for it to show up with the required transparency I wanted. But what I did come up with was just as good and now it looks more like a flower (the pink bell part) than just….like blah…😅

Anyways, here is the new/original Nettlewisp design I initially wanted done:

Nettlewisp with Fluff

Now keep in mind, I still have the other design done as well. I just like this one the best.😍

New Flora! Temple of the Elders: Inner Sanctum

I have finally started getting some ideas for the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Elders! As far as the temple interior, still a HUGE blank….😅

But hey, I’m getting to it, I’m getting to it!😜🙃

Anywho, here are some of two of the many flora species that will appear within the inner sanctum:

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea (White Flower species)

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea (Blue Flower species)

An upcoming list of more flora to appear within the inner sanctum:

Blue Wisteria Tree

White Wisteria Tree

Crystillium (a flower with crystal pods growing from its stem)

White Birch Tree

Water Temple Flora: Re-worked, Revised and Revisioned

Hello there! It’s been a while since I have posted something. T.T

I had to have a little realism to them. The last ones I did, (lotus) wasn’t quite the model as it did not “look” like how real lotus flowers look like from its actual growth cycle. Even the petals themselves were really off…by a lot, lol. So this time around, I decided to revision them and by some photo examples, I was able to get them looking right, texture wise. Modeling them, however, was a bit of a challenge, given that I was letting the number calculations throw me off a bit. 😡

But, nonetheless, from that moment lead us to this post as I can show you, what I have done! Yippee! Here are the lotus and lily pad along with the other flora for the water temple:

Hot Pink, White and Yellow Lotus

Hot Pink, White and Yellow (Alt Colors)

Yellow and White Lotus

Yellow and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

Pink and White Lotus

Pink and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

Hot Pink and White Lotus

Hot Pink and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

White Lotus

Lily Pad

Blue Hydrangea

Rough Draft for the General Lore for House of Cards

In the beginning, before each realm was created, life forms existed that walked amongst the stars.

The days of peace and tranquility lasted for which seemed an eternity.

The Watchers, as the ones that had witnessed the splendor and grace had called them, built a temple in which they could worship The Watchers.

One day, there was one Watcher that became displeased with the rules that the others came up with.

This very Watcher did not want to protect the little ones. He felt that they should be made to work for us as slaves.

The Lore of Castle Silva (Textural Concepts and Design)

Castle Silva is also well known for their advanced use in medicine practices, combining ancient clerical magic with modern (still medieval, moving out of the dark ages though) medicinal practices.

Castle Silva’s halls are adorned with nothing but the finest of tapestries, silk and crushed velvets, illustrious vases, various paintings from the kingdom’s finests artists hand picked by his highness himself, etc.

Castle Silva is nestled between an old stronghold of the ancient dwarven race who left more than it’s share of valuable artifacts and an abandoned dwarven mine that still can be mined, long after it was abandoned. The dwarves that mined there, peacefully coexisted with another ancient race, the gnomes.

The gnomes drew up the schematics for many of the machines that were used to mine precious gold, silver (ancient silver, mithril) and precious gemstones.

The dwarves foraged the machines and kept them working in excellent condition.

The peace treaty between both races were kept as long as the dwarves kept the gnomes safe from any and all threats that should ever befallen the gnomes’ race.

Since both races depended upon each other for survival, the gnomes for their advanced technology and the dwarves for their vast knowledge of wild game hunting and survival of harsh winters, the two races peacefully got along wonderfully. Both races also having a common shared interest, wealth from beneath the depths of those ancient mines.

The gold served as proper conduits for their advanced technology theories as well as payment for the dwarves services.

So by the time the kingdom of Silva settled there, the mines weren’t that much weathered and could be easily revived again by the race of men, after the early clerics started decoding/translating those as ancient schematics left buried by the dwarves in the stronghold. (This is closely linked to the hidden level in HoC, The Workshop. The Workshop level consists of the later internal machinery ran by both the dwarves and gnomes. The level’s end boss is named, ‘The Greater Machine’)

Castle Silva’s War Flags and Banners

Finally! I know it’s been a long time since I have posted anything about Castle Silva. Well….I’ve finally gotten something for you this time…😁

As you know, I started texture work with Castle Silva’s floors and floor runners, but have I gotten some exciting lore written for you so you can get a real jist of the Kingdom of Silva and how it was established. More on that later, now time for the eye candy galore, shall we…? 😊

Castle Silva War Banner

Castle Silva’s War Flags

Castle Silva’s Treasury Banners

Castle Banners

I have two more color combinations to play around with plus the throne/war room banners/flags to do, so do look forward to that. 😉

I hope you guys enjoy the small progress I have done in the visual department for Castle Silva. In the next post I make, I’ll go a little more in depth as to further development of the level and how it will be textured. 😅

Concept Art for The Plane of Athetherium

Click to enlarge for a detailed look…..

The Year 2015: The Influence is Envy and Jealousy

The year 2015 is the year of jealousy and envy. The people have started to become more violent psychologically to the point that when the next gate/influence opens, that hate will turn into violence. People will be killing each other over ANYTHING. Be it simple things to just the other person having a better personality than you that gets them angry.

A lot of this anger is blind anger. An anger that is not seen (meaning having no purpose) but felt and having not the slightest clue as to why they are feeling this way. The energies given off is the main fuel that keeps the negativity going — helping to fuel that dark engine that is draining the very life out of humans psychologically, emotionally and physically.

This energy is also drawing out the chosen ones. These few chosen people are now starting to be attacked more frequently, than they were when the sexual influence was starting to get it’s peak since 2011. However, I have noticed that for every gate being opened, there is another gate soon to follow up about mid year and haven’t fully caught on to it, until the following year.

Now we are mid-year into the jealousy and envy influence and it has started to gravitate towards the thoughts being generated for killing. Also, 2015 is the year in which psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and malignant narcissists are revealing themselves right before our own very eyes. I was born into a family of Golden Children. Every family member I have are all malignant narcissists. The one who bore me into this realm by the way of the Most High is one, my step-father, my so-called uncle on my MN’s side of the family is one, my sister is one, even my younger brother is one. I find this little step up very intriguing as I even wonder how did that even come to be.

Typically, you have the Golden Child (ren), the Scapegoat, the Enabler, etc. existing under one household. But with mine, it just seems so radical how that came to be. The order of it would be for my non-family is, MN mother GC, MN step-father – GC, Psychopath uncle – GC, MN sister – GC, MN brother – GC. That is very weird to how it is.

Anyways, back to my original point. Once you defy their control and start to rebel against them, they will slowly start to make their move towards even further abuse immediately. This has happened to me for the past year now and it has become a major pain for me as I just cannot seem to get away from these individuals. It’s being done on purpose. What my MN step-father has informed me before he finally took off his mask, was that they are after turning those like myself and many others who are still of the light into evil creatures just like them. What he told me, confirmed the truths that were given to me through my visions from the Most High. So far, everything that I had predicted has come true as far as what has happened to me so far in dealing with these idiots.

I am sure many other people have experienced this that are just like me. Right now, they are looking for the chosen ones to corrupt. We are spread all over the matrix and it will take a while before everyone has awakened from their dormant state of being. I have also noticed that each one of us that has that connection to the Most High, have been brought up, taught and sent away from these non-human beings. Right now, as I have mentioned from before, these individuals are looking for the ones who are still pure of heart. If they cannot exploit them for their connection to the Most High, and they have fully caught on to them, then they will carry out their duty to the Devil.

As we have just entered the mid-year, start looking for more and more narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths to come at you or to try and destroy you. They are looking for the ones who have that knowledge that is needed for their master. I have 4 of them on my tail now because of my artwork that I create. My artwork has hidden codes within it that lets these individuals know who they are dealing with.

I thought it was just anyone who have natural talents. No. This is indeed false. For every art piece that I create, certain ones, will I get the most hate from these 4 individuals. The ones that I am creating from my imagination are the ones that symbolizes something for them. Before my MN step-father finally revealed his self to me, he hinted at a few things that made some sort of since to me. He said that it is because of who I am and what my artwork represents. He also told me that whenever I bring that type of artwork to the forefront, it makes those individuals react in a violent way. That is why I have been stalked for 9 months straight by them.

I have be able to dodge them now because of my account here and WordPress updating it to match that of Google’s verification when logging into accounts for WordPress. I had my first blog hacked into by one of these individuals and it took everything I ever wrote and tried to mimic my personality down to the tee.

But, back to my point once again. It has become a huge epidemic because of the trends that are now taking place today. They are after not only the adults that still remained pure in heart, body, mind and soul, but now the children that re being brought up in this day and age. It is getting to the point where all will suffer if those commands are obeyed.

Into the next year, 2016, that is where the real torment will begin. More than 1 million people in the USA will go hungry who are unemployed. The food shortage is the other part of the gate/horseman of Famine. When people go hungry they revert back to their primal instincts. Once this occurs, that is when the killing will escalate. The poor and the unemployed are to be rid of first. Mass-genocide is not just only bio-warfare, but it comes from starving the people and denying them of basic humanly needs. Those who are employed, will be the next to go. Once the dollar is no longer valid. This will kill off the middle-class and hurt a lot of the upper-class.

The Tragedy of a Knight Befallen: The Background of the Scarlet Queen’s Cup Fungi

A little background story for this delicate little fungi that strikes beauty with the heart of a knife.

Scarlet Queen’s Cup

Discovered by a crusader found stumbling through a forest, later on rediscovered by a scholar named Syrinnius. 

The crusader was wounded badly by battle and was running away to his fort when he collapsed from a loss of blood,… he lay near a delicately red cup with black moles on it, as he came to moments later by the sound of horns blowing from his pursuers. 

His dying wish was to be able to see his beloved queen again. He had loved her in secret for many years wishing that he could get the chance to marry Queen Milliana. 

His last thoughts went to her and as he lay there his gazed upon the scarlet red skin of the mushroom and began to think of a perfect name to name such a thing. 

He named it Queen’s Scarlet Cup as his last devotion to her moments before his pursuers found his dead body lying there next to this mushroom. 
When his pursuers took his body back to their kingdom, it was examined by Syrinnius. He found out that it was not the severe bloodloss that killed him, but it was the in fact the mushroom’s highly toxic spores that he inhaled that had. He also discovered that the body was covered in sweat, due to having the chills. 
Barbosous Feniculli is the technical name for this mushroom. It is a distant cousin of the Elf’s Cup. Although similar in shape, Queen’s Scarlet Cup is not an editable mushroom. It’s innards produces tiny amounts of amber-colored toxins that can cause induced vomiting if ingested or can be absorbed through the skin and cause Chills and Fever. Syrinnius later on named this deadly Widow’s Cup because of it’s beautiful color like a woman dressed in velvety scarlet and having the ability to kill a man in a single touch.

Concept Art for the Elven Glade’s Flora

All of the concept art for the Elven Glade I have done so far. Enjoy!

Log w/Fungi Drawn 05/25/2010

Cattail Drawn 04/05/2010

“Jungle Plant” later on named Bleeding Heart when I created the asset for it. 

Jungle Flower 1 Drawn 06/05/2010

Elven Plant 1 Drawn 06/08/2010

Crying Niem Drawn 03/19/2010

Illmaari Cup Plant Concept Art for both versions of the plant (Desert and Elven Glade) Drawn 04/02/2010

Scarlet Gourd Plant Concept Art, later on the Elven Gourd Plant’s original design came from the concept art but the final design for plant changed slightly adding some “plant-like flowers” to the bunch for a different look.

Elven Gourd Plant 

Stepping Stones and Toadstool Mushroom concept art Drawn 05/10/2010

The concept for the Elven Glade level 

This concept is exactly what I wanted the Elven Glade to look like. The only things that are missing are the Elven sprites floating around randomly. When I originally thought of the Elven Glade, I thought about Kokiri Forest, from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and started drawing my inspiration from there. But then I just let my imagination take flight and the finalized concept of the Elven Glade was born. 

In fact, originally, the Elven Glade was going to be included in another game, but the entry for my design and concepts were too late in, so I keep my design alive and expanded it into a place of wonder, beauty and mystery. I had free reign on the design and was very happy with the outcome from then on. I expanded even further on to the glade, adding in the levels and places: Tylwyth Teg (the ancient part of the Elven Glade before the elves found and populated it), Fisherman’s Grotto (a small little alcove, west of the Elven Glade) and Mycoria – Mushroom Gardens to name a few. 

The Elven Glade: Level Synopsis and Preview

The Elven Glade is the second level that I worked on extensively, simultaneously with the Temple of the Elders. On this level, I go into a little depth of its production, design, its further design, along with what I put into creating the level. So sit back and relax through the interview on The Elven Glade Level and watch how this level came to be and how it’s going to be. 😉

Hanging Gardens Level (Update 3)

Here is a clip of the level in heavy WIP:

More to come!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level (Update 3)

I’ve have more goose for your gander! Here are some clips and previews for the assets and level of Temple of Neró Ouranós! Enjoy!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Bird Bath/Switch Activator

Temple of Neró Ouranós Fountain

…..and now on to the level!

Inside Mt. Jurun: The Makings of the Level 

I have done some work on this like in 2008 or 2009 but the file I had was on a flash drive I don’t have anymore. T.T

But, however, I do have three renders of the landmass that I was attempting to create. Untextured and with temporary textures. Here is what I have:

Untextured landmass

Textured 1

Textured 2

Textured 3 (Top view)

The Elven Glade – Tylwyth Teg Level and Assets 

One of my most and long awaited parts of my mod to finish is Tylwyth Teg. Partly because I have been working on it for so long and secondly, it’s a tribute to one of my favorite MMORPG’s EverQuest! So I am very much excited to present to you, Tylwyth Teg’s assets! Lmao! 😀

Royal Court Housing Area

Royal Court (Preview)

Still in heavy WIP form, but here is what the Royal Court District will look like once I get more assets modeled and textured.

The cylinders are just props to show you what the texture contrast will look like up nearing the final stages of modeling/texturing.

The huge tree that you see is where the Palace Grounds are located.

I still have to model some archways to make the Palace Grounds more celebrated-looking, but it is going to take a bit to get to.

Some and most textures will be changing as this version will be for the Bosmer Homes mod/mod resources.

I have yet to begin work on the Ancient looking version which will be in House of Cards. I have to create all kinds of mucky, weathered, aged – looking textures to make it look like a sort of ancient ruined city.

Acorn Sign Lamp Post 1

Acorn Sign Lamp Post 2

Acorn Lift

Magic Shop

Blacksmith Shop

Fighter’s Guild

Mage’s Guild

Shop 1

Thieves’ Guild

House 1

Royal Court House/Building

Tylwyth Teg Lift Token

Shopping District Preview

Castle Silva Level and Assets 

Even though I don’t have much done for this level, I do have some mesh work and mesh enhancement done for Castle Silva’s Interior.

Castle Silva’s Spiral Staircase w/Golden Stair runner 

Castle Silva’s Coat of Arms

Castle Rochse Level (near completion)

Castle Rochse is near it’s final stages in development and will be the first level complete (overall). The level’s base design is done, decor nearly completed, save for a few more distinguished meshes from kingdom flowers, suits of armor and some busts for the King’s armor to be displayed.

Level scripts are going to be a bit longer, due to constant testing, compiling and researching.

Monster scripts will come much later because of lack of models and animations for each monster plus attack sequences, etc.

Battlefield Mode for each tripper script will be much more easier to do. Traps will be in this level but very sparingly because this is still a castle after all. Spike traps should fit the bill here and will look like they fit perfectly.

Well with that said, let’s take a look at Castle Rochse’s level walk through. Mind you that this clip doesn’t go too in depth as far as every nook and cranny but just to get a basic feel for what it’s like going through Castle Rochse in exploration mode.

A few more surprises for you as well:

Castle Rochse’s Throne Room War Flags

Alt version

Castle Rochse’s Throne Room War Banner

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet (alt 2a)

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet (Alt 2)

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet 1

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet 1a

Castle Rochse Round War Banner

Castle Rochse’s Banner

Lake Caluadyzaiin Level 

Every thing isn’t everything without a beautiful volcanic lake to  explore! This mysterious ancient lake has been poisoned by a recent infestation of a gaudy hydra that has swallowed the precious pearl of Lake Caluadyzaiin that keeps the volcanic lake waters pure crystal clear. 

Here are some early screenshots of  Lake Caluadyzaiin at night:

Looking up from a secret area….

Shining Lake Pillar

Lily of the Valley 

Mt. Jurun inside Lake Caluadyzaiin (poisoned)

Temple of the Elders – Inner Sanctum Assets 

This level is so heave WIP it’s no joke lol! I haven’t quite visualized how I wanted the Inner Sanctum/Temple to look like yet as I still have to create Interiors for the whole level. 

However, I did manage to make some assets and textures for the interior and a couple of flora meshes; a re-textured Mournheld Tree and a new mesh Blue Lacecap Hydrangea. I still have a lot to go but here is what I have so far:

img_3517-1Temple Gazebo

Temple Tree

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea

Temple Reflection Pool (Galaxy)

 Temple Reflection Pool (Temple of the Elders)

Temple Reflection Pool (Plane of Atheretherium)

Inner Sanctum Floor Tile

Inner Sanctum Walls 

Temple of the Elders Level Preview and Extra Exclusive Content 

Well here we are folks. The moment you all have been waiting for! Live footage of the level!

Here is the progress on the level so far:

Mesh work: 75% done

Textures work: 75% done

Level Scripts: 5% done

Overall Level Completion: 50% done

The parts that will be the hardest as far the level is concerned are the base level (cell) scripts and the monster scripts.

Exploration Mode is what you do when monsters are not attacking you. This mode also will have tripping/battlefield scripts in various locations of the level to show how the main character/player runs into random monsters along the way while exploring the level.

Battlefield Mode is where you fight the monsters that you encounter while in Exploration Mode.

In battlefield mode, you cannot interact with objects from exploration mode. They become inactive as long as you are in battlefield mode.

After fighting the monsters in battlefield mode, you gain experience and the cards used in battle gain experience. After the menu pop up screen for calculating battle stats are is done, you are then transported back to exploration mode. So all things you saw in battlefield mode become active/interactive once again.

However, for some “special” instances you can interact with seen objects in exploration mode inside of battlefield mode.

Sometimes rare card finds can be collected after a battle, either in the form of breakable objects to reveal hidden cards or by capturing monsters with Capture Cards.

The Card Capture system depends on monster element vs capture card element, monster level vs capture card level, element vs element if both capture card and monster levels are the same or caster/player/character level capture rate % success in capturing the monster based upon charm level and mastery of that element when capturing a monster.

Will give a clear explanation for Monster Capture System in another post….

But I will no longer hold back, I present to you the level Temple of the Elders (Exploration Mode):

Temple of the Elders Level (con’d pt. 3)

As we are nearing the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of the Elders, we come across a beautiful garden……

Temple of the Elders Level (con’d pt. 2)

Let’s continue on our journey through the outskirts of the Temple of the Elders…..

Temple of the Elders Level (con’d)

More in-game goodness! Yum! 😀

Temple of the Elders Level 

Finally! Here is what the Temple of the Elders level looks like in-game! Here we goooooo!