Extras and Bonus Mod Content

One of the cutest flowers of Mycoria, The Mushroom Gardens: Nettlewisp

I just had to post this because I did a total makeover of the Nettlewisp flower. I know when I originally posted about it, it looked different. My reasons for changing the cute little bugger was that my original design for it was to have a dandelion type fluff on the top of it surrounding its stamen.

I kind of rushed myself a bit on the design and didn’t complete it because I had no idea on how to get the fluff I had drawn for it to show up with the required transparency I wanted. But what I did come up with was just as good and now it looks more like a flower (the pink bell part) than just….like blah…😅

Anyways, here is the new/original Nettlewisp design I initially wanted done:

Nettlewisp with Fluff

Now keep in mind, I still have the other design done as well. I just like this one the best.😍

New Flora! Temple of the Elders: Inner Sanctum

I have finally started getting some ideas for the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Elders! As far as the temple interior, still a HUGE blank….😅

But hey, I’m getting to it, I’m getting to it!😜🙃

Anywho, here are some of two of the many flora species that will appear within the inner sanctum:

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea (White Flower species)

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea (Blue Flower species)

An upcoming list of more flora to appear within the inner sanctum:

Blue Wisteria Tree

White Wisteria Tree

Crystillium (a flower with crystal pods growing from its stem)

White Birch Tree

Rough Draft for the General Lore for House of Cards

In the beginning, before each realm was created, life forms existed that walked amongst the stars.

The days of peace and tranquility lasted for which seemed an eternity.

The Watchers, as the ones that had witnessed the splendor and grace had called them, built a temple in which they could worship The Watchers.

One day, there was one Watcher that became displeased with the rules that the others came up with.

This very Watcher did not want to protect the little ones. He felt that they should be made to work for us as slaves.

The Lore of Castle Silva (Textural Concepts and Design)

Castle Silva is also well known for their advanced use in medicine practices, combining ancient clerical magic with modern (still medieval, moving out of the dark ages though) medicinal practices.

Castle Silva’s halls are adorned with nothing but the finest of tapestries, silk and crushed velvets, illustrious vases, various paintings from the kingdom’s finests artists hand picked by his highness himself, etc.

Castle Silva is nestled between an old stronghold of the ancient dwarven race who left more than it’s share of valuable artifacts and an abandoned dwarven mine that still can be mined, long after it was abandoned. The dwarves that mined there, peacefully coexisted with another ancient race, the gnomes.

The gnomes drew up the schematics for many of the machines that were used to mine precious gold, silver (ancient silver, mithril) and precious gemstones.

The dwarves foraged the machines and kept them working in excellent condition.

The peace treaty between both races were kept as long as the dwarves kept the gnomes safe from any and all threats that should ever befallen the gnomes’ race.

Since both races depended upon each other for survival, the gnomes for their advanced technology and the dwarves for their vast knowledge of wild game hunting and survival of harsh winters, the two races peacefully got along wonderfully. Both races also having a common shared interest, wealth from beneath the depths of those ancient mines.

The gold served as proper conduits for their advanced technology theories as well as payment for the dwarves services.

So by the time the kingdom of Silva settled there, the mines weren’t that much weathered and could be easily revived again by the race of men, after the early clerics started decoding/translating those as ancient schematics left buried by the dwarves in the stronghold. (This is closely linked to the hidden level in HoC, The Workshop. The Workshop level consists of the later internal machinery ran by both the dwarves and gnomes. The level’s end boss is named, ‘The Greater Machine’)

Concept Art for The Plane of Athetherium

Click to enlarge for a detailed look…..

The Tragedy of a Knight Befallen: The Background of the Scarlet Queen’s Cup Fungi

A little background story for this delicate little fungi that strikes beauty with the heart of a knife.

Scarlet Queen’s Cup

Discovered by a crusader found stumbling through a forest, later on rediscovered by a scholar named Syrinnius. 

The crusader was wounded badly by battle and was running away to his fort when he collapsed from a loss of blood,… he lay near a delicately red cup with black moles on it, as he came to moments later by the sound of horns blowing from his pursuers. 

His dying wish was to be able to see his beloved queen again. He had loved her in secret for many years wishing that he could get the chance to marry Queen Milliana. 

His last thoughts went to her and as he lay there his gazed upon the scarlet red skin of the mushroom and began to think of a perfect name to name such a thing. 

He named it Queen’s Scarlet Cup as his last devotion to her moments before his pursuers found his dead body lying there next to this mushroom. 
When his pursuers took his body back to their kingdom, it was examined by Syrinnius. He found out that it was not the severe bloodloss that killed him, but it was the in fact the mushroom’s highly toxic spores that he inhaled that had. He also discovered that the body was covered in sweat, due to having the chills. 
Barbosous Feniculli is the technical name for this mushroom. It is a distant cousin of the Elf’s Cup. Although similar in shape, Queen’s Scarlet Cup is not an editable mushroom. It’s innards produces tiny amounts of amber-colored toxins that can cause induced vomiting if ingested or can be absorbed through the skin and cause Chills and Fever. Syrinnius later on named this deadly Widow’s Cup because of it’s beautiful color like a woman dressed in velvety scarlet and having the ability to kill a man in a single touch.

Concept Art for the Elven Glade’s Flora

All of the concept art for the Elven Glade I have done so far. Enjoy!

Log w/Fungi Drawn 05/25/2010

Cattail Drawn 04/05/2010

“Jungle Plant” later on named Bleeding Heart when I created the asset for it. 

Jungle Flower 1 Drawn 06/05/2010

Elven Plant 1 Drawn 06/08/2010

Crying Niem Drawn 03/19/2010

Illmaari Cup Plant Concept Art for both versions of the plant (Desert and Elven Glade) Drawn 04/02/2010

Scarlet Gourd Plant Concept Art, later on the Elven Gourd Plant’s original design came from the concept art but the final design for plant changed slightly adding some “plant-like flowers” to the bunch for a different look.

Elven Gourd Plant 

Stepping Stones and Toadstool Mushroom concept art Drawn 05/10/2010

The concept for the Elven Glade level 

This concept is exactly what I wanted the Elven Glade to look like. The only things that are missing are the Elven sprites floating around randomly. When I originally thought of the Elven Glade, I thought about Kokiri Forest, from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and started drawing my inspiration from there. But then I just let my imagination take flight and the finalized concept of the Elven Glade was born. 

In fact, originally, the Elven Glade was going to be included in another game, but the entry for my design and concepts were too late in, so I keep my design alive and expanded it into a place of wonder, beauty and mystery. I had free reign on the design and was very happy with the outcome from then on. I expanded even further on to the glade, adding in the levels and places: Tylwyth Teg (the ancient part of the Elven Glade before the elves found and populated it), Fisherman’s Grotto (a small little alcove, west of the Elven Glade) and Mycoria – Mushroom Gardens to name a few. 

Concept Art for the Mermaid Shield and Spear

In a later design of this, the spear I changed to this:

…..then eventually to this as the final textures were set for this:

The ‘Mer Stinger’ was an added weapon used for close combat if the Trident was thrown away or empaled into an enemy. If the trident was empaled into the enemy, then the Mer Stinger would be used to finish off the enemy. 

Concept Art for Cloud City

For THE first time EVER, I have a color sketch for the Temple of Air’s door! I recently started making color sketches for House of Cards and it came out pretty good. 

This is an exclusive for this mod as I will be knocking this out in Blender soon enough! So without further a due, I present to you The Temple of Air color sketch of the temple’s door…..

As I get my thoughts together, I will have more done for this level eventually. 😅

Ambrosia Plant Concept Art

Concept art for a illuminated plant inside one of the caves of Mycoria -Mushroom Gardens.