Temple of Neró Ouranós

Water Temple Flora: Re-worked, Revised and Revisioned

Hello there! It’s been a while since I have posted something. T.T

I had to have a little realism to them. The last ones I did, (lotus) wasn’t quite the model as it did not “look” like how real lotus flowers look like from its actual growth cycle. Even the petals themselves were really off…by a lot, lol. So this time around, I decided to revision them and by some photo examples, I was able to get them looking right, texture wise. Modeling them, however, was a bit of a challenge, given that I was letting the number calculations throw me off a bit. 😡

But, nonetheless, from that moment lead us to this post as I can show you, what I have done! Yippee! Here are the lotus and lily pad along with the other flora for the water temple:

Hot Pink, White and Yellow Lotus

Hot Pink, White and Yellow (Alt Colors)

Yellow and White Lotus

Yellow and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

Pink and White Lotus

Pink and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

Hot Pink and White Lotus

Hot Pink and White Lotus (Alt Colors)

White Lotus

Lily Pad

Blue Hydrangea

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level (Update 3)

I’ve have more goose for your gander! Here are some clips and previews for the assets and level of Temple of Neró Ouranós! Enjoy!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Bird Bath/Switch Activator

Temple of Neró Ouranós Fountain

…..and now on to the level!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level (Update 2)

Even more level design, assets and more!

Mermaid Guard statue w/Trident and Shield (Color version)

Mermaid Guard Shield

Mermaid Guard Helm

Mermaid Guard Pauldron

Mer Stinger 

Mermaid Guard w/Trident 

Mermaid in a Giant Clamshell (Blender Render)

Mermaid in a Giant Clamshell (Fully Textured, Nifskope Screenshot)

Pink and White Lotus (Full Bloom)

Yellow and White Lotus (Full Bloom)

Hot Pink, White and Yellow Lotus (Full Bloom)

“Moonflower” White Morning Glory flowers growing on a vine

Blue Morning Glory Flowers growing on a vine

Blue Hydrangea

Concept Art for the Mermaid Shield and Spear

In a later design of this, the spear I changed to this:

…..then eventually to this as the final textures were set for this:

The ‘Mer Stinger’ was an added weapon used for close combat if the Trident was thrown away or empaled into an enemy. If the trident was empaled into the enemy, then the Mer Stinger would be used to finish off the enemy. 

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level (Update 1)

Here are some more assets and level design of the Temple of Neró Ouranós!

Bird Bath/Switch Activator

A very detailed look of one of the fountains in the Temple of Neró Ouranós

[WIP] Temple of Neró Ouranós Final Boss Area/Arena

A platform of the level…..

Another platform of the level…..

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level


We have an official name for the water temple level! :D

It is called: Temple of Neró Ouranós.

It took me a long time to get think up what I wanted the name to be because water temple is just plain and common in a lot of games out there.

Temple of Neró Ouranós

Interior – 2%
Scripts – 0%
Mesh work – 4% (need to come up with some more décor assets lol)

Here are some shots of the mesh work done for this level:

Water Temple Fountain Fully Textured by elvenphilosophy

Water Temple Fountain Pillar 1 by elvenphilosophy

The fountain is animated and here is the video where you can see it:

More to come!