The Elven Glade

The Tragedy of a Knight Befallen: The Background of the Scarlet Queen’s Cup Fungi

A little background story for this delicate little fungi that strikes beauty with the heart of a knife.

Scarlet Queen’s Cup

Discovered by a crusader found stumbling through a forest, later on rediscovered by a scholar named Syrinnius. 

The crusader was wounded badly by battle and was running away to his fort when he collapsed from a loss of blood,… he lay near a delicately red cup with black moles on it, as he came to moments later by the sound of horns blowing from his pursuers. 

His dying wish was to be able to see his beloved queen again. He had loved her in secret for many years wishing that he could get the chance to marry Queen Milliana. 

His last thoughts went to her and as he lay there his gazed upon the scarlet red skin of the mushroom and began to think of a perfect name to name such a thing. 

He named it Queen’s Scarlet Cup as his last devotion to her moments before his pursuers found his dead body lying there next to this mushroom. 
When his pursuers took his body back to their kingdom, it was examined by Syrinnius. He found out that it was not the severe bloodloss that killed him, but it was the in fact the mushroom’s highly toxic spores that he inhaled that had. He also discovered that the body was covered in sweat, due to having the chills. 
Barbosous Feniculli is the technical name for this mushroom. It is a distant cousin of the Elf’s Cup. Although similar in shape, Queen’s Scarlet Cup is not an editable mushroom. It’s innards produces tiny amounts of amber-colored toxins that can cause induced vomiting if ingested or can be absorbed through the skin and cause Chills and Fever. Syrinnius later on named this deadly Widow’s Cup because of it’s beautiful color like a woman dressed in velvety scarlet and having the ability to kill a man in a single touch.

The Elven Glade: Level Synopsis and Preview

The Elven Glade is the second level that I worked on extensively, simultaneously with the Temple of the Elders. On this level, I go into a little depth of its production, design, its further design, along with what I put into creating the level. So sit back and relax through the interview on The Elven Glade Level and watch how this level came to be and how it’s going to be. 😉

The Elven Glade – Tylwyth Teg Level and Assets 

One of my most and long awaited parts of my mod to finish is Tylwyth Teg. Partly because I have been working on it for so long and secondly, it’s a tribute to one of my favorite MMORPG’s EverQuest! So I am very much excited to present to you, Tylwyth Teg’s assets! Lmao! 😀

Royal Court Housing Area

Royal Court (Preview)

Still in heavy WIP form, but here is what the Royal Court District will look like once I get more assets modeled and textured.

The cylinders are just props to show you what the texture contrast will look like up nearing the final stages of modeling/texturing.

The huge tree that you see is where the Palace Grounds are located.

I still have to model some archways to make the Palace Grounds more celebrated-looking, but it is going to take a bit to get to.

Some and most textures will be changing as this version will be for the Bosmer Homes mod/mod resources.

I have yet to begin work on the Ancient looking version which will be in House of Cards. I have to create all kinds of mucky, weathered, aged – looking textures to make it look like a sort of ancient ruined city.

Acorn Sign Lamp Post 1

Acorn Sign Lamp Post 2

Acorn Lift

Magic Shop

Blacksmith Shop

Fighter’s Guild

Mage’s Guild

Shop 1

Thieves’ Guild

House 1

Royal Court House/Building

Tylwyth Teg Lift Token

Shopping District Preview