The Mushroom Gardens – Mycoria

One of the cutest flowers of Mycoria, The Mushroom Gardens: Nettlewisp

I just had to post this because I did a total makeover of the Nettlewisp flower. I know when I originally posted about it, it looked different. My reasons for changing the cute little bugger was that my original design for it was to have a dandelion type fluff on the top of it surrounding its stamen.

I kind of rushed myself a bit on the design and didn’t complete it because I had no idea on how to get the fluff I had drawn for it to show up with the required transparency I wanted. But what I did come up with was just as good and now it looks more like a flower (the pink bell part) than just….like blah…😅

Anyways, here is the new/original Nettlewisp design I initially wanted done:

Nettlewisp with Fluff

Now keep in mind, I still have the other design done as well. I just like this one the best.😍

Ambrosia Plant Concept Art

Concept art for a illuminated plant inside one of the caves of Mycoria -Mushroom Gardens.

Mushroom Gardens – Mycoria Level

Mesh work done for the Mushroom Gardens – Mycoria:

Nettlewisp (Untextured)


Nettlewisp (final render)


Clover Cluster

Blue Daffodil


Purple Coneflower

Pink and White Tiger Lily Light

Japanese Parasol Fungi