Level Testing

The Elven Glade: Level Synopsis and Preview

The Elven Glade is the second level that I worked on extensively, simultaneously with the Temple of the Elders. On this level, I go into a little depth of its production, design, its further design, along with what I put into creating the level. So sit back and relax through the interview on The Elven Glade Level and watch how this level came to be and how it’s going to be. 😉

Hanging Gardens Level (Update 3)

Here is a clip of the level in heavy WIP:

More to come!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Level (Update 3)

I’ve have more goose for your gander! Here are some clips and previews for the assets and level of Temple of Neró Ouranós! Enjoy!

Temple of Neró Ouranós Bird Bath/Switch Activator

Temple of Neró Ouranós Fountain

…..and now on to the level!

Castle Rochse Level (near completion)

Castle Rochse is near it’s final stages in development and will be the first level complete (overall). The level’s base design is done, decor nearly completed, save for a few more distinguished meshes from kingdom flowers, suits of armor and some busts for the King’s armor to be displayed.

Level scripts are going to be a bit longer, due to constant testing, compiling and researching.

Monster scripts will come much later because of lack of models and animations for each monster plus attack sequences, etc.

Battlefield Mode for each tripper script will be much more easier to do. Traps will be in this level but very sparingly because this is still a castle after all. Spike traps should fit the bill here and will look like they fit perfectly.

Well with that said, let’s take a look at Castle Rochse’s level walk through. Mind you that this clip doesn’t go too in depth as far as every nook and cranny but just to get a basic feel for what it’s like going through Castle Rochse in exploration mode.

A few more surprises for you as well:

Castle Rochse’s Throne Room War Flags

Alt version

Castle Rochse’s Throne Room War Banner

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet (alt 2a)

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet (Alt 2)

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet 1

Castle Rochse Hearld Trumpet 1a

Castle Rochse Round War Banner

Castle Rochse’s Banner

The Plane of Athetherium – Where it all begins….

The Plane of Athetherium is where you start off talking to the Goddess of Creation. She is your guide throughout this mod and will send you across Akihiron to the realms that are in danger. Before you set out on your journey, you will be granted the Powers of the Naturalist, this power allows you to equip the Runestave, an ancient device that draws from the full powers of the Gods themselves. Here is some footage of what the Plane of Athetherium looks like.

This realm will be a multi-tiered place where you have to travel further within the realm to reach the other realms. For each level/plane of Athetherium the levels are more complicated and will be harder to get through. The Plane of Athetherium is THE only place where you can rest using the Morrowind UI functions. So rest up while you can. Also, from each plane of Athetherium you are in, you can take the time to organize/customize your deck so that you can be prepared for a realm that you are about to enter or that has been unlocked.

More to come in the next update! Enjoy the footage! 😀